Vento di mare
In the Belìce Valley, where the ancient manor houses preserve the historical memory of the industrious presence of man, we still cultivate the luxuriant vineyards from which the Vento di Mare wines are born. Fertile soil and gentle temperatures are essential characteristics that allow the best grapes to reach the ideal degree of ripeness, maintaining an enviable condition of total integrity and healthiness. Thanks to the wind, a constant companion for most of the year, which blows from the sea to the highest hills of the countryside to mitigate and refresh the grapes in the hot Sicilian summers, we can find in our wines unique characteristics, distinctly Mediterranean and important structure, balanced by excellent freshness and balanced flavour.
Vento di Mare BIO
In Sicily, in the sunny hills of the Belìce Valley, where the pedoclimatic characteristics and the morphology of the land, together with the typically Mediterranean climate, create the ideal conditions for organic farming, with significant day-night temperature ranges and good plant ventilation thanks to the sea breezes, we grow the vineyards from which we produce our organic varieties.